The Gunner Games: The Truth about Shooting Leagues

Posted on October 5, 2022 at 11:53 AM by The Biker Lawyers

What are Shooting Leagues?

Being new to shooting and guns in general I am looking for a way to improve my skills.

My options are to just go to the range as much as possible and keep practicing the skills I’ve learned so far. But, I tend to learn better when I’m being challenged and having fun; neither of those takes place by myself on the range.

So, I decided to join a shooting league. Look, I’m not kidding myself. For me, it’s not about being competitive. That’s a good thing too because league shooting has some fairly expert teams. But I had a way to make it competitive and fun.

First things first – I had to decide what gun I’m going to take into my weekly league battle. I’ve mostly shot 9mm Glocks. But when trying out different pieces specifically with competition in mind, I settled on the .9mm 1911 Kimber. It fits my hand really nicely and I like the thumb grip safety because it reminds me to keep the proper grip or the thing just won’t fire.

The League Teams

Boston Mike, one of the other Jocks from Rock 108, thought it might be fun to join the league and have a friendly competition with me. We recruited teams on our Facebook pages. We actually ended up with three teams.  Mike’s team, my team, and a team of female shooters who are also listeners.

Mike’s Team: The M&M’s  Military Misfits.

Russ’ Team:  The Bang Gang

The Women’s Team:  The Sex Pistols

Pulling the Strings to find out how Shooting Leagues work…

Each week consists of five strings, which change every week but look something like this:

String One: 12 Shots two-handed with mandatory reload.  The reload must have at least one shot. 15 seconds

String Two: 12 shots one-handed with mandatory reload. The reload must have at least one shot. 30 seconds

String 3: 6 Shots, one-handed, 10 seconds — the weak hand.  This one was very difficult.

String 4:  12 shots Light dimmed, 12 shots 10 seconds.

String 5: 6 Shots at a hostage target (explained in the video)

Bonus String: 2 shots at a high point but very small targets.

To see exactly what we did our first week, you can watch the video which has a much better explanation from Dave who calls the event every week.

The First Week’s Results

The wrap-up after week one.  I had learned to shoot fairly well while alone with no distractions on the range.

But 19 other people in the room, skills tests, and a caller who resembles a Drill Sergent, and the nerves, uncertainty, and embarrassment of shooting next to people who are all much better than me really amps things up which in the long run will all conspire to make me a better shooter– RIGHT?  Time will tell.

About Russ: The biker community’s Ambassador of Ammo

Known as a professional Radio Gypsy, Russ is the voice of “crazy stories and bad behavior” on Rock 108 every weekday from 10 AM – 2 PM (CST). After a shooting expedition with friends, Russ found a new passion for firearms and is now searching to find the perfect fit to match his needs. Join him as he tests and reviews various guns and targets, learns gun safety, and occasionally blows stuff up every week right here!

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