Road Defect Claims Involving Potholes

Posted on June 16, 2020 at 3:16 PM by The Biker Lawyers

As one of the most common road defects, potholes pose a significant risk to motorcyclists. With that in mind, the municipal or third-party agencies that are responsible for maintaining roadways must do everything they can to repair potholes and prevent accidents from ever occurring. When they fail to do so, these agencies may be held liable for the damages sustained in resulting accidents.

Dangers of Potholes

While potholes can cause significant physical damage to a motorcycle’s tires, struts, and suspension, any of the material damages may be repaired or replaced. When a motorcyclist in seriously injured, however, the consequences of those injuries may continue to affect him or her long after an initial recovery is made. With that in mind, our legal team is prepared to help you recover any damages associated with your accident, including the following:

  • The cost of medical and rehabilitative care
  • The cost of pharmaceutical treatments
  • Any loss of income

Whatever the exact circumstances of your accident might have been, our legal team will do everything they possibly can to help you recover the damages you sustained.

Consult with The Biker Lawyers

If you have been injured after hitting a pothole, you should speak with a pothole accident lawyer with The Biker Lawyers to begin developing a legal strategy that can help you recover the damages you sustained in the accident. To discuss the particular circumstances of your accident with one of our motorcycle accident attorneys, please call our offices at (877) 209-9452 today.

A pothole shouldn’t wreck your life. The road was defective, your recovery shouldn’t be. We can help.

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