One Hell of a Time! (Chaos for a Cause II Review)


Posted on October 28, 2022 at 12:00 AM by The Biker Lawyers

I celebrated Halloween early, and in style!

Well it finally happened, the show I have been talking about for a few blogs now. That, of course, is the Chaos for a Cause Part Two show in Waterloo, Iowa at Electric Park Ballroom!

The show happened this past Saturday and the bill was loaded with all sorts of amazing bands from right here in Iowa, and not just Waterloo. We had bands from Des Moines, Waterloo, Iowa City, and Cedar Rapids…talk about hitting all the heavy-hitting cities right there.

Little did I know that Chaos for a Cause has been going on a for a few years now, but in the past year, it really started to gain some ground as the radio station jumped on it along with sponsors too!

Putting the cause in Chaos for a Cause…

The show is headed by the band Grave Corps, as it’s their big going all-out show right around Halloween time where they ask bands to gather, donate their time to perform, and help a great cause. Which cause, you may ask?

This year the show was raising money for the Iowa Giving Crew, which works hard to provide full Thanksgiving meals to families in need right here in Iowa. It includes the turkey, fixings, sides, you name it…it’s all there for those families, and I think Chaos for a Cause REALLY helped.

Carli Foxx goes acoustic

The night started out with Carli Foxx of The Rumours performing acoustically to kick off the show, I have mentioned them before in a previous blog if I remember right and of course, she was fantastic as always.

Switchblade Saturdays: highly recommended

The next band up was the first full band of the night, and that was Switchblade Saturdays. I have been told by a friend how much I need to see them, and maaaaaan she wasn’t wrong! They impressed me and kept me entertained the entire time with a stellar light show all the way from Des Moines. They are a band that I will be sure NOT to miss next time!

Guilty of Treason offers some seriously solid metal

Following up, the metal was REALLY brought with Guilty of Treason, if you are looking for some super solid metal to mosh too? Look no further than Guilty of Treason! These guys will smash your face in with hard-driving riffs, and they even have a new album too!

NonGrata is always a blast- they did not disappoint!

Following up the night was Iowa City’s NonGrata and these guys are always a blast to watch and have been played on Rock 108 plenty of times before, so it was cool to see them live again.

Grave Corps organizes the Chaos!

The night was then brought to one of the main events (all of them were main events obviously…) Grave Corps! These guys and gals just have it down man, the show, makeup, sound, they have been doing this for years and you can tell there is something super special here. You could also tell that people came to this show to SEE this band as they likely brought in the biggest crowd of the night… like KISS, you just see them live and you are immediately drawn to them.

Hell, there was a moment when I even joined them onstage for their cover of ‘School’s Out,’ which is always fun.

Destrophy summons the God of War

Rounding out the night was Destrophy, a band I had heard a lot about but had NEVER seen! These guys at one point were signed to a record label and even recently got back together to perform again. You know when you heard that band that just has their shit together? That’s Destrophy in a nutshell. Lead singer Ari was painted up as Kratos of God of War and that band didn’t miss a beat. I look forward to what is next from those dudes.

Chaos for a Cause was clearly a resounding success and I look forward to year 3.

About The Biker’s Ambassador of Rock

If you live in the Cedar Valley in Iowa, you probably know Ned. If not, you surely know his voice! Ned, the Music Director at Rock 108, is known for his energetic personality, wild spirit, and love for all things Live rock. In an epic collaboration with Rock 108, Ned will be presenting excellent inside experiences to our motorcycle riding community exclusively here so subscribe to the blog and check back every week to see what Ned’s up to next!

“Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.” – Jayden, Midwest Shooting

Obviously, Jayden gave me a fairly good education on why compensators help control recoil and Rick let us know how he did while on Midwest’s range practicing with the compensator.

Rick sent me a picture of his target, and, to my still relatively untrained eye, it looked fantastic… but it turns out, that was from his shots WITHOUT the compensator.

So the verdict: to each their own.

What do you think? Have you ever used a compensator? Does it do all the things the Almighty Google claims or is it just a cool way to customize your piece?

About Russ: The biker community’s Ambassador of Ammo

Known as a professional Radio Gypsy, Russ is the voice of “crazy stories and bad behavior” on Rock 108 every weekday from 10 AM – 2 PM (CST). After a shooting expedition with friends, Russ found a new passion for firearms and is now searching to find the perfect fit to match his needs. Join him as he tests and reviews various guns and targets, learns gun safety, and occasionally blows stuff up every week right here!

Make sure to subscribe to this blog for email updates when Russ posts a new experience!

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This blog is brought to you by The Biker Lawyers, P.C. Personal Injury Law firm.


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